A New Way to Plan Worship
As a student at Wesley and an intern at Pilgrims, one of my favorite activities is planning worship. We plan as a group, students and professors, church members and staff.
It's not just a task, but a way to get to know others and how God is working in their lives. For example, I learned that Ash Wednesday is one member's favorite holiday and why.
Worship becomes richer and deeper when it is planned by the people.
Ashley Goff, Minister of Spiritual Formation at Church of the Pilgrims, writes about the Art of Worship Planning on her blog, God of the Sparrow:
Worship planning is an art. It’s a discipline. It must be done over and over and over again in order to get worship “under our skin.” How we plan worship reflects what we believe worship should be — a transformative, communal experience of observing, trusting, trying, reflecting, and taking chances for the sake of experiencing the Holy One.
Read the rest of her post to learn more about a new way to plan worship in your community.
Communion and smoked salmon by the seaside, at Church of the Pilgrims.